A busy last day in India!

The last morning of our hectic schedule we were ready to go to Amber fort and I was planning on going by elephant. There had been lots of checking beforehand as I was worried about how ethical it was. But I looked at research and sent emails to check. I also discussed it with the people who support me   as I cannot ask them to do something they do not want to do themselves. It was an interesting discussion but as an employer I have to make sure I am not expecting them to have the same beliefs as me. Are PA’s who support people willing to support personal achievements even if they don’t agree with the situation  themselves? Hmmm??  It was an interesting discussion especially when I was asked how I would feel if I was asked to do something I didn’t want to do at work as I had strong feelings on it. I have never thought of it that way! We agreed to make plans but on the day we all had the right to say we were not comfortable with something that was either ethical, health and safety worries or nerves. I knew it would be risky as there are stone steps with no rail, a platform to walk along with no rails but a drop and the seat on the elephant is the same for anyone. No adapted elephant seats!


I wanted to try it. I have been on an elephant before as a child but I am an adult now and I wanted to know what it felt like. A lot of planning was involved. Travel Counsellors were wonderful and they sent videos of the steps etc as they asked their people to check and show the exact route I would be taking. This was a fantastic help to be able to plan and to know what to expect. Then Sam and I  looked at them and we discussed how it would be best to safely transfer and get around especially as we knew it is a busy place. The night before the expected elephant ride Tanya, Sam and I sat talking about different options and what we were planning to do. I then chose the safest option for me, Tanya and Sam. We were all comfortable with the decision. People usually sit sideways on but Sam would sit differently. This was because it was safer for me, her as she had to hold onto the seat, and could tactile sign interpreting from the guide on the elephant. I would also be supported on both sides of me by the rail which I could hold and her body and so I would feel reassured.  Click on the blue link to see the the   video showing how I sat on the elephant so I could hold on. 20170413_085702



The route it would take involved a turn half way through and a change of direction.IMG_0188


My cochlear implant was put away in case it came off going up the hill as I did not want it damaged by falling off with any sudden movement and trampled by the elephant. I felt very safe with Sam. I kept my glasses on as they also protect my eyes from the sun. We shared Sam’s scarf (Which was tied to the seat for easiness for Sam to get hold of while we travelled.) This was because it was going to be hotter as we climbed the hill and we were more exposed to the sun. We could not tell an elephant to put us in the shade as there is only one route for the elephants! As we climbed the hill the guide told us about the saffron gardens at the bottom of the hill.20170413_08514420170413_08532520170413_084745


I thought Tanya might find romance but she said no , sadly.  I thought they were well matched haha!  However I also discovered something new about me that I did not know before. I was feeling a bit elephant sick! The motion of the elephant going up the hill was making me feel like I wanted to be sick. Side to side I rocked!   I couldn’t understand it as I have been to Thailand twice on an elephant and I was fine when I was younger!! Sam said I will be fine and I needed to rock with the elephant exactly the same as when we walk together when I get out of bed in the morning. I needed to relax more into the rocking.  It was true I relaxed into the rocking and then really enjoyed the ride. Finally we arrived at the fort!!!IMG_0191IMG_0189



Here is the Video of us arriving in Amber fort on an elephant!


I remember looking at the steps to get down from the elephant to the fort  and I thought  o.k I needed to be really careful.  I had to have real trust in Tanya and Sam to do this and I did. Take a look  here at how we did it but don’t look down haha!!!


I had lots of water to drink as it was so warm that day and so I kept wanting the toilet however I had a shock when I saw the Indian toilet. We all laughed so much as my mother had told me India was a poor place and they would all be like this. She had said I may have to prepare myself!! She even tried to organise training before I left on using an Indian toilet. She was also worried there would be no toilet paper in India. Wanted me to pack some in my case!!There is though, I promise! We found another toilet but I have a little video were we had a bit of fun while we were in the toilets here.


Amber fort was beautiful. 20170413_09344820170413_102621 - CopyIMG_020320170413_093958I loved to see the decorations in the walls.20170413_09593220170413_09581320170413_09593820170413_10013220170413_100753 I loved to listen to the stories and imagine myself there. It was nice to have the stories in my head then look again at the beautiful artwork. 20170413_095952I even saw an old wheelchair there! OMG!!! Imagine having to use this!!20170413_102611

There was lots of ramps but they felt a little steep so we made sure I didn’t roll of anywhere. Inside the fort some of the walkways were narrow so it was good that I used my manual wheelchair or I wouldn’t be able to see everything.IMG_0214IMG_0215IMG_0217IMG_0212

I even managed to walk up some stairs to look at the view.


When we were ready to come back down the hill the guide asked if we wanted to go in the Jeep down the hill instead of the adaptable van.  He warned  it was bumpy and quite fast. No seat belts, nothing to anchor my chair down or I could get out of my chair and sit on a side facing seat with my PA’s if I wanted to have a go.  I looked at Tanya and Sam with excited eyes. They both asked to see the jeep and climbed inside. Started strapping fold away seats back from inside the jeep and measuring it. They explained it was a tight squeeze, if I didn’t mind a few legs and arms everywhere holding me down they were happy with it. It was also because there was nowhere for them to put their feet down with a wheelchair there. If I had sat on the fold able seats , downhill at speed I would have been unsafe. I had to lean forward when they were going to lift me up as the top of the Jeep would have knocked me out.   Here is the video of me getting in the jeep. Look at my face while I was waiting haha!


They then instructed men to come and lift the chair whilst telling them the safest points to hold the chair. Well I had a best experience ever in the jeep! I loved it but it was so funny because Sam and Tanya had their legs on my manual chair ha ha. Covering their feet with scarfs for the photos. I used Tanya’s selfie stick for the video on the way down. I loved that jeep ride here is the video, we laughed so much trying to get photos and videoing squashed up in the jeep. I will definitely do that again one day.20170413_104408

Look at me getting out of the jeep and people still wanted to take photographs when they had met me.

I also had a brief visit to the Astronomical Observatory which was really interesting but on this day the temperature became hotter and hotter. The Dynavox was put away under cover as were worried about it over heating. I couldn’t type on it and the metal pole was hot when I accidentally lent on it. I was also in my manual wheelchair too. I watched Sam sign what the guide was saying but halfway through she signed’ Sam speaking, emergency’ she had to hold the interpretation, there was an emergency. She asked the guide to stay with me in the shade and spray me with her water. Sam told me later what happened. Tanya had been stood behind me in the shade as Sam was in the sun (I need to see her face for facial expressions and lip pattern) as she was interpreting she heard a quiet weak voice behind me say ‘I think I am going to die today…….’  Tanya was dizzy and falling towards me in the wheelchair.  Sam gave her water and cooled her down with spray whilst getting her to sit down. We decided to leave the observatory and sadly I didn’t really get any photographs as Tanya was also my photographer as well as PA. It was unsafe to carry on in that heat for Tanya and myself. We were heading back towards a shop we could see that had a lot of people round. Tanya said she wouldn’t make it as there was a massive queue of people buying water and ice cream. I saw Sam run in front and look very suspicious then she leaned under some chains on the ground and turned the water sprinkler for the grass on Tanya and I. The guide said we were the craziest woman he had every seen. I am sure we made him nervous haha! I felt so much better and Tanya did too. Sam said there is no point in having two dead bodies to take back to England with her but lovely grass to look at in India. Mum would have been really happy with her!  And she didn’t want her CV ruining she said with a wink. Death looks bad on a CV she told me haha. I know Tanya was dizzy with the heat and was bad but I still laugh about the words she said. Sorry Tanya but it is a funny memory for me an will always make me smile.


We then went to city palace.It was so funny as Tanya just walked past the man with the rifle guarding the palace ha ha. IMG_0246


There’s a rifle Tanya,


yes there Tanya,


IMG_0236Oh well!


Wow the palace was huge and had bright colours. 20170413_124539

It was being prepared for a wedding as you can hire the building now. Imagine!  I went inside the museum which has really interesting objects and paintings about the history and culture.  Look who became a PA after he had been trained up by Sam and Tanya …..IMG_0237IMG_0240IMG_0241IMG_0242I really enjoyed it. I saw the artwork but I couldn’t believe it because the maharajah had such huge pants wow.He must have eaten a lot.  20170413_124746We also had a bit of fun teasing Saurabh !!IMG_024320170413_124409

When we arrived back at the hotel  I felt so tired because we had seen so much  but it was a brilliant experience. What an adventure!!!

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